SERMO Survey - Needlestick Injuries
In April 2019, Mölnlycke® commissioned a first of its kind survey from SERMO, the largest global social network for physicians. The survey of 510 surgeons from the UK, US, Germany, Australia, Japan and Sweden highlights the infection risk faced by clinicians and patients in the operating room.
Results say that 95% of surgeons have either been personally affected by a needlestick injury or seen a colleague experience one
The survey looked at surgeons' opinions relating to the risk of needlestick injuries in the operating room, and the role of high-quality surgical gloves in improving patient and clinician safety.
Needlestick (and sharps) injuries occur when a needle or other sharp instrument accidentally penetrates the skin. It can result in increased exposure to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and other blood-borne viruses
The survey of 510 surgeons from the UK, US, Germany, Australia, Japan and Sweden was conducted by the leading global social network for doctors, SERMO.
Clinician safety
The SERMO survey revealed that 93% of surgeons believe that high quality gloves reduce the chance of exposure to blood-borne viruses. In addition, 92% of surgeons agreed that high quality gloves improve the safety of clinicians in the operating theatre
The survey found that surgeons see a clear link between high-quality gloves and patient safety. 81% of surgeons believe that high-quality gloves impact overall patient outcomes, with 89% agreeing that high-quality gloves improve patient safety in the operating theatre.
On the topic of Surgical site infections (SSIs), 78% state that glove failure increases the risk of SSIs
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